Artigo en
Las ventajas de correr descalzo.
Como sempre:
- sentido común. Non te poñas a correr descalzo 10km a todo tren “a ver que pasa”.
- informate das vantaxes e probables problemas iniciais.
Este é o vídeo que está ao final do artigo: [youtube]
E un par de referencias máis
The Basics of Barefoot, onde se da unha explicación global do concepto de correr descalzo (ou minismalista) e acláranse algunhas dúbidas comúns.
E outro artigo do que saco duas citas:
It can be seen from the research that if heels touched the ground at first, the impact forces your heels obtained would be three times of your body weight, even though you were with running shoes, which was also contained a cushion. However, if your former feet touch the ground at first, the impact will be reduced to only about sixty percent of body weight because of the effective cushion of tendons and joints that are come from the ankle. Due to the long-term effects of the impact, it may lead to fatigue fracture or plantar fasciitis, the researchers think that the way of forepaws down will be healthier.
onde explica o xeito en que se reparten as forzas no impacto contra o chan, e esta outra
There were always controversies on the problem of barefoot running. **If you are a runner who did not encounter any problems or injuries, then this might not be designed for you.** But if you have ever injured because of anterior tibiae pain or because of your wrong running way, then it may be known that barefoot running is suitable for you.
onde di que “non arregles algo que non está roto” ;)